Monday, October 17, 2011


How to make someone happy? That is so easy and hard at the same time. Those who seek the great happiness, fame, fortune and other big stuff, they are bound to find that all those things never gave them real happiness. It is strange, but as the old saying goes, small things can grant more happiness than big ones. But that is known.
I tell you just this. Learning to appreciate everything around you isn't thinking small. It is just making a paradise on this world. Even when eating distasteful food and listening to your adversaries, it is wise to try to find at least a speck of delight. With time you will train yourself to be able to see it much clearly. It is muddy river, full of trash. But with time you will see the small fishes swimming inside this toxic wasteland. And you will take them out of this poisonous waters, clean them. Eat them. Those fish are beautiful thing passing by in your life, because you can't see them through clouds of anger.

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