Friday, October 7, 2011


The sun is boiling my head to the unpleasant degrees. Deep in my mouth is the kiss of the sand, forcing me to choke and merrily filling my lungs with the garbage that could possibly stop my breathing skill. If I could see the blue and sincere sky above, there would be the silhouettes of vultures, because I can hear their voices, coming from the heavens.
Death is the final challenge. Humans have built their life around the ability to refuse to take this challenge. It is in itself a quest of its own, searching, understanding and accepting various facts of this reality.

"We can't live in the paradise."

What would be the reason of our living, if the plentiful times would come in our time? I find it hard to believe, that our existence is only for pure hedonism. In most cases, enjoyment is simply a reward for our ambitions and will to go on. Suicide of boredom and worthless despair isn't a sin. It is a simple sign of cowardice.

"All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players: They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts..."
--W. Shakespeare, As You Like It
Let it be for a fleeting moment, that the world is simply a game. The ability to see it in this light could bring levitas to the heaviest philosophies.

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