Friday, January 20, 2012


The spirit of giving, what a strange altruistic premise.

Yet we all know that the altruism is double-faced. We are always expecting payment, a sort of reward for our sacrifice, our revoluting against the pragmatic minds of capitalism-saturated society.
The true gift should be given without any of those expectations, but are we really possible of such a feat?
The least we almost can't deny is the fact that giving something to someone gives our-self at least a bit of good feeling. So the giving isn't really giving. It's a trade. A little this for that.

The saddest thing is the fact that people have built entire rituals around it and they become vindicating, if you forget to give them something in return. The simple act, the act of entirely random kindness have become non-existent.
Kindness is bound with agenda of fat cats trying to raise the money for seemingly noble cause, yet very few of them really strife for this goal. So in the end, can't you just give something to somebody, without any deep, rational thinking about it?

Notice that I don't associate word "gift" with "help". Those are different things. Gift is more luxurious, a simple boost in your weary existence, beautiful, but not necessarily big, pompous or monetary, although it can be.

Well, it is interesting word either way, don't you think?

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