Thursday, October 13, 2011


We were building for ourselves a prison for an entire millennia. The prison of our own mind. And when I say this, I do not want you to imagine that the reason, thoughts or phantasy bounded us into the slavery. No. I am talking about superstition, ill expectance, doubt and dogmas.
Why live in the garden, if you can wander into the jungle. Of course, the wilderness offers much more danger than the simple and cultivated backyard. But the willingness to delve deep inside the unknown brings forth the revolution of our ways.
The wayfaring brilliant ideas and entire evolution of humankind would not be simply possible without the right mixture of rational and irrational, optimistic and pessimistic, scientific and artistic.
Meditation is but one of the ways how to soothe brain from overindulgence of burdening dust, accumulated in your head from traumas, experiences and psychic storms crafted by unfortunate events. They have built wall for you, which you forced yourself to believe that you can't overcome it.
If you can at least try to be a tabula rasa for just a minute, it could open you new world of possibilities. It is hard and it is much easier said than done. Yet why not try it, why not learn to control your mind. Or do you like the idea of mind controlling you?

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