Monday, September 26, 2011


The tip of the tongue is dancing and trying to convince me about the things I find very unethical...

The problem of mankind's fascination with anything else than naked whole truth has lead into the opium dens, where through the mist you can only faintly see the light you would like to spot. And yet great movements of the mind were produced exactly here, in the borderland world where ideas from all parts of the brain meet together and form a powerful coalition. Is it ok to forbid alliance of those worlds? Hard to say. Drug wars, abuse and cartels will tell you otherwise. There is a very thin line among living in a world, unafraid of any challenge and living a life of escapism, doubt and paranoia. The flowers of schizophrenia will bloom in this garden and then it is hard to say what will become of a human mind.

The tip of the tongue dances on...

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